We have a huge task at hand in India to make a difference to
the next generation of learners who are now in primary schools across the country.
The Government of India may have other priorities at this
point in time and so it is incumbent on those of us who have
had the benefits and the luxury of a good education to come
together to give back to the society. And who better
than the women of India who can start a movement one woman at
a time with one child at a time.
Calling on all women of India worldwide to
sponsor one child.
Someone who has the desire to learn but not the economic means.
India has over 20 million NRI's who live abroad. Surely even if
half of them just the Indian women who live abroad, an
approximate 10 million put aside 10$ each towards this programme
......Let's do the math...we can make more than a dent in what today looks like an
insurmountable problem.
For information email:
womenofindia (@) gmail.com