This space is for
any woman of India anywhere in the world. A space where you can just be yourself. You do not have
to be a 'high flier' or "successful" in the accepted sense of the term today,
to join us and be included. You
do make a difference and matter to us.
We would like each woman to think about it and define for
herself her personal definition of success. We would like
you to define the word 'success' the way you understand it. It
does not have to mean more money, more production, more wealth
or a CEO designation.
Tell us what you do,
share with us your work, your interests, your dreams and
aspirations. AND we hope you find a friend in this network if you need support.
You do not have to send in your profile to be able to share the resources
on this site.
For those of you who wish to introduce yourself to our community of women and
join the network of Women of India:
Please email your photograph (optional) and a brief write-up
on yourself.
Digital Stories of Women of India
Please email:
womenofindia (AT)